Hero Complex presents a family friendly sketch comedy series from Emmy nominated Rob Tinkler (Snoopy In Space, Cyberchase, PJ Masks) and Devon Hyland (Second City). Hilarious sketches exploring the ups and upside-downs of being a kid. With funny parents, silly schools, zany camps, the show always goes to fantastical places where everything is nonsensical! It's like Looney Tunes meets SNL for kids (and their parents). Comedy fun for families. Starring Tavia Pereira, Julius Cho, Brennan Asbridge, Devon Hyland, and Rob Tinkler Find more family friendly series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
BITESIZE - The Flip Floppers
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
The Flip Floppers - a fickle family at a hockey game can't decide which team to cheer for, or what food they like to eat, or who in the family flip flops more!
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