Hero Complex presents a family friendly sketch comedy series from Emmy nominated Rob Tinkler (Snoopy In Space, Cyberchase, PJ Masks) and Devon Hyland (Second City). Hilarious sketches exploring the ups and upside-downs of being a kid. With funny parents, silly schools, zany camps, the show always goes to fantastical places where everything is nonsensical! It's like Looney Tunes meets SNL for kids (and their parents). Comedy fun for families. Starring Tavia Pereira, Julius Cho, Brennan Asbridge, Devon Hyland, and Rob Tinkler Find more family friendly series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Broken Tiger Detective
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Fun sketches in this episode:
Broken Arm Vacation - A kid with a broken arm is told they can't join in any of the fun activities at a holiday beach resort as they must now take fast action to avoid being dropped off at the boring kids club!
Tiger Mom - A kid can't live up to the high standards expected of him by his tiger mom who is an actual tiger.
Kid Detective - An extremely meticulous child detective attempts to solve the case of the missing halloween treats before the 8pm candy-eating cut-off time.
Discover more series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
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