Hero Complex presents a family friendly sketch comedy series from Emmy nominated Rob Tinkler (Snoopy In Space, Cyberchase, PJ Masks) and Devon Hyland (Second City). Hilarious sketches exploring the ups and upside-downs of being a kid. With funny parents, silly schools, zany camps, the show always goes to fantastical places where everything is nonsensical! It's like Looney Tunes meets SNL for kids (and their parents). Comedy fun for families. Starring Tavia Pereira, Julius Cho, Brennan Asbridge, Devon Hyland, and Rob Tinkler Find more family friendly series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Grand Shrink Spy
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Fun sketches in this episode:
Grand Museum - Kids reluctantly dragged along to the museum with their grandparents come to discover that these seemingly simple senior citizens are stealing things the whole time!
Shrink Ray - A kid who uses a shrink ray to reduce his size so that he can visit the gopher hole in the back yard is suddenly told he must finish his regular size dinner first!
Accidental Spy - In a case of mistaken identity, a kid gets drawn into a mission as a super spy that consists of facing death-defying traps that turn out to be oddly similar to common school yard games.
Find more series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
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