Hero Complex presents a family friendly sketch comedy series from Emmy nominated Rob Tinkler (Snoopy In Space, Cyberchase, PJ Masks) and Devon Hyland (Second City). Hilarious sketches exploring the ups and upside-downs of being a kid. With funny parents, silly schools, zany camps, the show always goes to fantastical places where everything is nonsensical! It's like Looney Tunes meets SNL for kids (and their parents). Comedy fun for families. Starring Tavia Pereira, Julius Cho, Brennan Asbridge, Devon Hyland, and Rob Tinkler Find more family friendly series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Cool Mom - A mom goes to painful lengths to prove to her kids that she's really cool in a totally destructive yet somehow natural phase in parental development.
Find more fun family series like this at www.herocomplex.ca
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Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Pirate Dump Fort
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Fun sketches in this episode:
Bug Pirate - A kid searching for treasure digs up a pirate who's more obsessed with bugs than gold.
Magical Dump - An extremely imaginative child searches her house for a magical places only to discover the "magical dump" located behind her house.
Snow Fort - Siblings build an amazing snow fort that is so unbelievably cool they trade it for their parents' home.
Discover more fun series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
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Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
BITESIZE - The Class Pit
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
The Class Pit - When a bottomless pit appears in the middle of the classroom, the students can't resist throwing themselves into it to discover the secret wonders held within that may get them out of class.
Discover more fun series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
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Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Donut Archer Couch
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Fun sketches in this episode:
Jelly Donuts - If you've ever wondered what the jelly is inside every jelly donut, you're about to wish you never wondered anything ever again.
Accidental Archers - In the year 1612, two fine young archers pull out bow and arrow try to convince each other that they are actually, you know, archers.
The Couch That Eats People - Face it, ALL couches kind of eat people. But this one actually tells you they're gonna do it!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
BITESIZE - Talkatron 2000
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Talkatron 2000 - There is nothing more high-tech than a futuristic talking car... unless it's this futuristic talking car.
For more series and specials visit www.herocomplex.ca

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Bathing Unrelaxing Grandma
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Fun sketches in this episode:
Bathing Suit As Underwear - A commercial for the latest fad sweeping the globe: Wearing your bathing suit as underwear!
Unrelaxing Cottage - Chore-obsessed parents fail to convince the kids that the lake is for looking, not swimming!
Can't Say No To Grandma - Grandmas all have an incredible superpower: No one can say "no" to them, no matter how absurd the request!
Find more fun family series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
BITESIZE - Back In My Day
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Back In My Day - A mom tells her kids about how tough she had it when she was young until Dad pulls out a time machine that allows the kids to see exactly how bad it was back in her day.
Find more fun series and specials at www.herocomplex.ca
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Monday Jan 04, 2021
Night Stubborn Locker
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Check out more fun sketches in this episode:
Not On A School Night - Several emergencies happening in the house at once can't persuade this mom to go out on a school night!
Stubborn Locker - As a kid talks with her lonely chatterbox of a school locker, tension grows when she refuses to remove her stinky gym clothes.
Multiplying Homework - When a Dad helps his kid with homework, the magical result is that the homework multiples, and it's up to the kid to school the Dad with an unlikely solution. Oh, and also trucks blow up!
Find more family friendly series at www.herocomplex.ca
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Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
BITESIZE - Growth Spurt
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Growth Spurt - A kid has a growth spurt of epic proportions!
Find more family friendly series at www.herocomplex.ca
Thanks for listening! Please rate and review to help other families find our show!

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Parents Club Robot
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Fun sketches in this episode:
Talk To Parents - A girl has the astoundingly uncanny ability to chat comfortably with parents.
No Bedtime Club - The no bedtime club vows to defy sleep no matter what in order to attain their dreams!
Robot Billy - A boy builds the perfect robot replica of himself to avoid all the things he'd never want to do only to discover people like his robot more than him.
Find more family friendly series at www.herocomplex.ca